Mahlkonig EK43 Grinder: Review | My Espresso Shop Mahlkonig EK43 Grinder: Review | My Espresso Shop
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Mahlkonig EK43 Grinder: Review

by Cameron Clark June 01, 2017

Mahlkonig EK43 Grinder: Review

Overview of the EK43 Grinder by Mahlkonig

You’ve probably heard about the grinder that is taking the ‘Coffee World’ by storm: The Mahlkonig EK43 grinder. We wanted to give an overview of this exceptional grinder so you can better understand its features, functionality, and discover why the EK43 is quickly becoming the ‘go-to’ grinder for coffee shops all around the world.

Background of the EK43

The Mahlkönig EK43 Grinder is widely considered to be at the top of its game as it produces fresh, fine grinds from a time-tested 30-year-old design.

Before occupying the counters of third wave cafés, the EK43 was often used to grind and mill coffee, spices, and grains. In January 2009, a specialty coffee shop in Montreal named Café Myriade began quietly adopting its use. However, it wasn’t until 2012 when this grinder gained popularity at the World Brewers Cup. Champion Matt Perger used the EK43 for his winning routine and thanked Mahlkonig for his victory, stating, "I was blown away by how much better my coffee tasted."

fast and efficient coffee grinder

On the Mahlkönig EK43, Even Grind Is Everything

Most people would think that taste only comes from the coffee itself and nothing else affects it, but connoisseurs beg to differ — the grind is arguably the most important part of making coffee. If your grind is not consistent, you end up with a brew that is too bitter or too sour, and lacks flavor complexity.

All grinders yield a bimodal particle distribution, which means that a singular dose is comprised of two main particle sizes. If the difference between the grind sizes is too substantial, you end up with sub-quality coffee. The Mahlkonig EK43 is built to eliminate that worry. Brewers Cup Champion Matt Perger visited Mahlkonig’s factory and compared the best-in-class grinders in the industry. His conclusion: the EK43 produces the smallest spread between particle sizes — leading to the most even grind. With an even grind, you get the best possible extraction.

Better Extraction Means Better Flavor

Why does particle size matter when making coffee? When you brew coffee, you use water to extract the flavor from the coffee particles. The larger the particles, the less total surface area you have, which leads to less of an extraction. With the Mahlkonig EK43, everything is ground evenly and you get a precise particle distribution, so all your coffee is extracted at the same level. The uniform particle size from the EK43 promises consistent flavor in your cup instead of bitterness from over extraction or blandness from under extraction. When it comes to espressos, it is difficult for average grinders to get an extraction rate beyond 20%. The EK43 surpasses this standard. When Perger competed in the 2013 World Barista Championship, he was able to produce shots at 21.7% extraction. In Perger’s comparison of the EK43 to three other name brand grinders, the Mahlkonig EK43 edged out competition with an extraction yield of 23.12%. The other grinders had lower extraction yields of 20%, 20.56%, and 21.1%.

 Video: The Making of the Mahlkonig EK43
Features of the Mahlkönig EK43

This Mahlkonig powerhouse delivers a range of features that are designed to craft aromatic, clear, flavorful coffee.

  1. Flat 98-millimeter Steel Burrs

Flat burrs are characterized by two identical burrs that are set facing each other. This creates an even particle size distribution, which allows you to extract more of the coffee without drawing bitter, dry flavors from smaller particles. The EK43 boasts gigantic grinding burrs that measure an impressive 98 millimeters. These in-demand steel flat burrs rotate at a speed of 1740 rpm to consistently break down beans while avoiding unwanted heat build-up that could change the flavor of the roast.

  1. Stepless Grind Adjustment with 11 Reference Points

This grinder displays versatility with its broad array of grind adjustment. It can create varying consistencies ranging from French press to Turkish fine-grinding. Grind adjustments are made in the EK43 by rotating the adjustment dial on the front of the unit. This allows simple adjustment to accommodate different grinding goods as well as different degrees of particle fineness. Specialty coffee experts from various parts of the globe have contended that the EK43 produces the most uniform particle size distribution than any other grinder on the shelves today. This translates to superior extraction yields and better tasting coffee.


  1. High Grinding Speed and Capacity

One of the key selling points of the Mahlkonig EK43 is its ability to churn out a bulk of grinds at staggering speeds. This machine is powered by a 2-horsepower motor that grinds at an incredible rate of 21 to 25 grams per second (or 2.8 to 3.4 pounds per minute). If you plan to use the EK43 Grinder for single-cup pour over service, you can count on waiting for only a couple seconds to get all the coffee out.

coffee grinder features for commercial convenience
  1. 2.2-pound Capacity Bean Hopper with Slide Plate

This unit is equipped with a detachable bean hopper that features a capacity of 2.2 lbs. It is sealed with a tightly fitted lid to preserve the quality of the beans. At the bottom of the hopper is a nifty slide plate that lets you remove the hopper from a full grinder without wasting any roast. For a busy coffee retailer, the slide plate offers the convenience of changing the bean type with ease. If you plan to grind different beans, you can have them ready in their own hopper. This lets customers order a specific bean type and have it ground in seconds for a single serving or under a minute for a full bag. The efficient design of the EK43 will reduce wait times and improve the service capability of cafés.

  1. Thermal Overload Protection

Mahlkonig outfitted the EK43 with a thermal overload system to protect the motor as the unit speedily generates ample grinds. An overload circuit breaker is located above the grinder’s power switch. To guarantee further safety, the grinder is also equipped with a thermostatic sensor set in the motor windings to disrupt the circuit once excessive heat accumulates in the motor. In case this occurs, the machine shall be given an hour to cool off before it can be operational again.

coffee grinder power switch for desired roast


(a) Evenness of grind

(b) High grinding speed at high capacity

(c) Straightforward operation

(d) Ensures safe usage


(a) Lacks on-demand dosing option

(b) Steep price tag

(c) You'll likely need to wait two-three weeks before receiving your grinder. (However, this speaks to the popularity of the EK43.) If you have questions about ordering the EK43, please email us at


With the EK43 Grinder, Mahlkonig crafted a well-built machine that leads the pack when it comes to high extraction yields and batch brewing. We strong feel that it is the coveted premium grinder that completes any coffee retail setting. This efficient grinder is ideal for grinding full bags of coffee, grinding for single cup service, and even for espresso service. No matter what your coffee grinding needs are, the EK43 do the job without sacrificing the quality of your brew. The Mahlkonig EK43 seamlessly blends consistency, speed, versatility, durability, and power into one unrivaled unit.



How to Make Espresso at Home

Cameron Clark
Cameron Clark


1 Response

Mz Zohn
Mz Zohn

June 12, 2020

Such an amazing article. Nowadays, It’s so hard to see something informative like this article. Such an informative article and straight to the point. Keep this up.

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